Call us today at (480) 382-7890 to request an appointment!
Dr.Jayme Tungate
Before becoming a chiropractor, getting adjusted changed my life for the better in so many ways!
I’ve always been into being healthy and active, but true health eluded me until I discovered Chiropractic. I suffered from the ‘Normal Stuff’: daily headaches, heartburn and IBS. Then I developed severe nerve pain from a bulging disc in my neck and found a chiropractor to help me. My nerve pain was gone. Soon I realized that so were my headaches, heartburn and IBS.
I realized this was my calling and went to Palmer Chiropractic School in FL to start my new life. I have advanced certifications in spinal correction and nutrition. I have a passion for health and wellness, nutrition, supplements, and exercise. My mission is to make every family as healthy as possible without the need of drugs or surgery.